Why You Need Roadside Coverage
Picture this. You’re on the last leg of your great British Columbia road trip (you read our blog on the best BC roadtrips and decided to do #3; look at you exploring the big north!)
You’re finally headed south after what’s been a long, bug infested trip (the north: not for the faint of heart (read: those with a dislike of bugs the size of your thumb)).
As is customary of northern highways, there are parts of your journey that have early morning frost or lingering ice on the passes that are higher in elevation. For realsies: northern BC weather is also no stranger to snow during summer, 30 degree days during winter. You never know what’s going to happen.
So. You’re doing a safe speed limit highway. You’re rounding a corner, thinking happily about all the distance you’re putting between you and those northern bugs.
You hit a corner. Suddenly, you start to drift. You panic and over correct, and you, while cursing and pulsing your brakes, watch your car approach, in slow motion, the edge of the highway, coming face to face with a cement barricade, planted there for moments just like this.
There’s a moment, after your airbag goes off and you’re checking your limbs for broken bones, that you think to yourself, it’s the middle of no-where, you’re miles away from a town, and you’re pretty sure you’re going to have to live here now for the rest of your life.
Then you think: I wish I had bought that road side assistance.
Ah, regrets.
You might think memberships to roadside assistance are a waste of money. That they’re an added cost you can’t afford on top of monthly payments, gas, and cut into your disposable income (read: coffee money).
But imagine the above scenario and what it would feel like to be completely stranded, not even remotely close to any town or familiar landmark, and faced with the very real concept of living among bears in the wilderness.
To ensure you don’t ever have to find out what that’s like, we’ve broken it down for you. Here's what you need to keep in mind for signing up for roadside assistance.
How much do you drive, currently? Before you go ahead and purchase a plan, think about how often you hit the open road and just exactly what your average mileage per month is. Plans usually go for $60-80 a year, or can jump to $145 for premier. That’s might induce some sticker shock, but think about how that gets you a free tow, compared to the $200 towing fee you might have to pay if, say, you’re in the stranded scenario as mentioned above.
Whether you’ve been locked out of your car (we’ve been there) you have a flat tire (we've done that, too), or you’re stranded in the middle of nowhere, roadside assistance provides 24/7 coverage, so you don't have to worry about how to get from A to B in case of emergency. Other benefits included in your membership include a battery boost, bike assistance, and opening your locked doors. You might even be able to have gas delivered to you for free. There are a lot of extra benefits wrapped up in your plan, so be sure you make good use of them once you're a member.
Service Availability
Aside from your super awesome northern road trip excursion, where else will you be taking your car to on your travels? Will you be covered if you’re travelling a far distance? How many service calls do you get per year? Are there certain highways or roads that you need to be on in order to receive help from roadside assistance? These are questions that might not seem pressing at the time, but if you're ever in a situation like the one above, they'll make all the difference. Before you sign up, it’s important you go through this with your provider, so that you don't have to worry about living amongst bears should a break down or car accident in the middle of nowhere (knock on wood) ever occur.